Our development team is currently performing some research on happiness habits - simple actions you can take repeatedly throughout the day to help improve your mood, dispel stress, and take more satisfaction in life's little pleasures.
We would be immensely grateful if you'd give us a hand in this research by joining our ongoing happiness habits study! The study is simple and easy to participate in. It'll assign you one of several evidence-backed happiness habits to try out over a 3-day span, and help you determine the best way to incorporate it into your daily life. You'll receive email reminders about practicing your new mood-boosting habit, and answer three very brief surveys about your experience.
Here's what's in it for you:
Learn a technique for getting more enjoyment and positivity out of the daily grind that's supported by clinical testing.
Pick up a trick for incorporating any new habit into your personal routine.
Aid the development of a free tool that may help people all over the world become happier.
Advance science's overall understanding of human happiness!
Seems like a win-win, right? Click here to join the study; we think you'll be happy you did.