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Learn how to spot bad arguments and test your skills!

Clearer Thinking Team

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

We are excited to announce the Faulty Reasoning Quiz, our new tool to help you spot bad arguments and test your skills!

What you'll learn 👩‍🏫 This quiz starts with an optional mini-course that introduces you to up to five types of faulty reasoning, known as fallacies. You can choose which fallacies you want to learn about, or skip them all and go straight to the final quiz. The fallacies covered are:

  1. Equivocation: relying on multiple meanings of an ambiguous term, in a way that undermines the soundness of your argument.

  2. Slippery Slope: assuming that a small first step will result in some much bigger, and typically very bad, consequences.

  3. Appeal to Ignorance: arguing that a conclusion is true because there's no evidence that it isn't true.

  4. Appeal to Popular Opinion: arguing that a conclusion is true because it is popular.

  5. Begging the Question: making an argument that is only compelling if you already believe the conclusion.

How you'll improve 📈 Learning about types of faulty reasoning can help you make sure that you don't get the wool pulled over your eyes, and it can also make you a better, more careful reasoner yourself. By the end of this mini-course, you'll have the tools to make sure that you don't make the same mistakes as the one's you'll encounter here. Take on the challenge! 🏆 Do you think you can correctly identify all the fallacies in the Faulty Reasoning Quiz? Try your hand at evaluating arguments and get your custom report that compares your scores with others'. 📋

The quiz (which you can skip to) usually takes ~5 minutes.

The full mini-course takes an extra ~20 minutes.

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