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Keep track of your most important aspirations with our new goal-achievement program

What are some of your biggest, long-term goals? How do you go about pursuing them? It can be difficult to create effective plans to achieve our goals, and to keep track of these aspirations alongside everything else. To help you, we've just launched "Achieve Your Goals", a comprehensive long-term goal-achievement tool. If you’re not sure where to start with your long-term aspirations, or want to find a way to track your progress towards your biggest goals, check out this new, free program that we’re launching today.

Achieve Your Goals is the latest in our series of tools that implement the science of behavior change to help you reach your aspirations, and it contains a sophisticated check-in system to track the progress you make towards your goal over a period of weeks or months.

This new, personalized program will help you create a step-by-step plan for your chosen goal, provide you with exercises to keep you focused on achieving your mission, and send regular reminders for adhering to the schedule you’ve set. You’ll be able to use our check-in program to track each milestone that you set, to modify these milestones if they’re not working for you, and to review your history of goal-achievement.

What better way to start the year than by using Achieve Your Goals to set your intentions and pursue the goals that matter to you most? Click here to try out this free tool right now.

3 則留言

kolton tolman
kolton tolman

That worked. Thank you!


Holly Muir

If you're having trouble loading the program links in this article, your browser is probably blocking cookies or some other essential function that the program requires to run. Note that the Brave browser has trouble running our programs. Try a different browser or use an incognito/private tab to open the links, and get in touch with us if that doesn't work!


kolton tolman
kolton tolman

Your link to "Achieve Your Goals" appears to be broken. The link does not load and eventually redirects to

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