How can you optimize your work life to be more joyful? We think it’s surprisingly rare to spend time thinking seriously about this question. Similarly, many aspects of our work and personal lives require collaboration – from realizing important projects to raising a child – but few of us are actually taught what it means to be a good collaborator.
So, to help you build these two skills, today we’re launching two new tools! Make Your Work More Joyful and The Art of Collaboration were created during our 2021-2022 Micro Grants program, where we funded the development of new educational resources for critical thinking and well-being.
Make Your Work More Joyful
Created by Ayesha Ratnayake, Make Your Work More Joyful guides you through the different areas of your work life to figure out what changes you can make to improve it as much as possible. This module:
Helps you identify areas of your work life – including relationships with colleagues, work-life boundaries, workspace, and commute time – where you could feel happier or more satisfied
Provides you with a list of techniques designed to help you find more joy and satisfaction in these areas of lower satisfaction
Supports you in building a concrete action plan to improve your work life, which will have benefits across your entire life!
The Art of Collaboration
Created by Kylie King, The Art of Collaboration teaches you how to become a great collaborator in all parts of your life. By taking this module, you will:
Learn the many benefits of successful collaboration
Be introduced to six best practices for great collaborators
Test your knowledge of these skills in a quick quiz
Receive a collaboration checklist to help yourself or your team work together effectively
Learn more about Kylie’s other projects here.
We hope you find these tools valuable and fun!